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Updated on: 2024-09-10
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PvP Tournament System

The PvP Tournament System allows huge PvP battles to take place in a structured and honest way of battling.
A wide variety of tournaments are possible to take place and everything depends on the settings chosen by the creator of the tournament.
Tournaments are fully managed by the Umpire, the Official Nemesis Referee.
This NPC is located in the Battle Realm which is accessible through the CityHall teleportation list.

Tournament Outline

Each tournament follows the exact same outline going trough each of the following steps:
  1. Registration
  2. Tournament Start
  3. Round Start
  4. Teams can adjust time of their Fight (Optional)
  5. Fight Initialization
  6. Fight Starts
  7. Fight Ends
  8. Repeat from 5. until one team is victorious
  9. Round Ends
  10. Repeat from 3. until only one fight remains
  11. Tournament Ends
  12. Rewards can be claimed

1. Registration

To participate in a Tournament a player must register during the registration period.
Players can register their own team or join an existing team (if more than 1 player per team is allowed).
Switching teams can be done by leaving your current team and joining another team (or registering one of your own).
Switching teams is free of charge (once the initial registration fees are payed).

1.2 Fees

Optionally tournaments can have registration fees. A list of fees is shown prior to completing a registration or joining a team.
Fees range from items to contribution points, eks, majestics or any other type of currency used throughout the game.

1.3 Items

A tournament can have 3 different item registration requirements as following:
  1. None: No item registration is required, any item can be used throughout the tournament.
  2. Required: Items must be registered, any non-registered items CANNOT be used throughout the tournament.
  3. Unique: Item registration is unique, an item can only be registered (and used) by one participant.
Only equipable items are registered, any other item type is not registered and can be freely used or brought into a tournament fight.
Bringing in non-registered items is possible, but equiping them is impossible, therefore it is a waste of bag space to bring non-registered items (if item registration is required or unique).

2. Tournament Start

At the Tournament Start Time the tournament will commence, this is globally announced.
It is from this time that the tournament is open and the first round is created and will be started.

3. Round Start

Once a tournament round starts the matchups are generated depending on the type of tournament.
It is also from this point onward that the full round information and all fights become available.
When fight times can be changed all participants who're online will be notified a fight needs their attention.

4. Adjust Fight Times

Optionally teams can choose to change their fight times (if allowed by the settings).
It is recommenced that Team Leaders discuss an appropriate time with their team members and the opposing team(s) to come to a consensus and choose and agree on an appropriate time for everyone.
Team Leaders can then agree on fight times, if all Teams have agreed on the fight time it will be locked and can no longer be changed.

5. Fight Initialization

A fight initializes prior to the fight's start time preparing the fight map and applying all tournament settings and disabling PvP.
Once a fight initializes the team members who participate in the fight can teleport to their fight.
All participating team members of the fight that are currently online will be offered free teleportation to the Battle Realm.
If spectating is allowed the players who wish to do so can start spectating a fight from this point onwards.
All team members who participate in the fight should make sure to teleport to their fight between the initialization and the fight start time.
If more than 1 minute remains to the fight start time the Team Leaders have the ability to "Ready Up" their team in the fight score dialog (accesible by using the shortcut CTRL+Y), by doing so a Team Leaders indicates his team is present and ready to fight.
If all Team Leaders have their team "Ready" the teleportation time is reduced and the 1 minute countdown to the fight start will commence.

6. Fight Start

Once the fight start time is reached teleportation is closed and players can only join in spectator mode if this is allowed.
A 1 minute countdown will be made (starting prior to the fight start time) to ensure everyone is ready to start fighting.
Once the countdown reaches 0 the fight will commence, PvP'ing will be enabled and the fight starts.
During a tournament fight scores can be displayed on-screen by using the command "/showfightscore". (without quotation marks)
They can also be accessed through the scoring dialog using the shortcut CTRL+Y in the fight map. (Also accessible in Spectator mode)

7. Fight End

Depending on the tournament type the fight's ending conditions are different.
Once the specific condition(s) are met, the fight will end and either a point will be scored or a final position is assigned.
At this point the PvP'ing is disabled again and either the consecutive fight is prepared and all countdowns are reset or the 2 minute force recall time will be initiated.

8. Fight Repeating (Consecutive Fights)

If a fight does not result in a single winning team (due to fight conditions and settings such as number of victories, etc...) the fight is repeated.
A set delay (Fight Delay) is applied before Teleportation to the fight is opened again.

9. Round End

Once all fights have ended with a single team victorious the round will end as well.

10. Round Repeating

Unlike fight repeating the round repetition is the onward movement of the tournament where the teams victorious in the previous round will progress to the next round.
Only when more than one fight remains a next round will commence, otherwise the tournament will end.

11. Tournament End

If only a single team remains at the end of a round the tournament the winner of the tournament will be announced and the tournament ends.

12. Rewards

Once a tournament has ended the rewards can be claimed.

Setting Details

In the following sections each of the tournament settings will be explained in detail.

Tournament Type

There are 4 different tournament types available:
  1. Last Man Standing (LMS): A deathmatch type of tournament, the last man (or team member of a single team) standing will score a point.
  2. (Future) Capture The Flag (CTF): A flag must be captured from the opposing team's base and brought back to your own base to score a point.
  3. (Future) Hold The Point (HTP): Different points of interest need to be guarded (and conquered), keeping point(s) will score points.
  4. (Future) Soccer (SOC): A ball must be moved into the opposing team's goal by critting, dashing or casting magic on it to score a point.

Round Type

There are 3 different type of rounds possible. Throughout a tournement this remains constant and the type of round determines how fight matches will be made.
  1. Fixed Brackets: The initial round randomizes teams while all consecutive rounds breakdown in standard tournament brackets. A team can easily find out who might face in the next round.
  2. Random Brackets: At the start of each round the teams will be randomized. A team can't know who they'll be up against in the next round until it actually commences.
  3. League: A standard League Tournament breakdown where all teams will fight each other facing a different team in each round until every team has fought each other. Winning a fight in a round scores a point, the team with the most points in the end will win the tournament.

Teams per Fight

This setting determines how many teams will be matched up in a single fight.
For example in a 1v1 tournament, this setting will be set to 2 as two teams will face each other in a single fight.
While the highest value for this setting will represent an All v All fight as every team will fight every other team in a single fight.

Max Team Size

The maximum number of team members (players) in a single team.
In a 1v1 this setting would be 1 while in a 5v5 this settings would be set to 5.

Max Teams

The maximum number of teams that can participate in this tournament.
This setting is mainly used in Guild vs Guild or Town vs Town tournaments.

Team Types

There are 4 different team types possible:
  1. All: A team can consist of any type of player. (They can be from opposing nations and different guilds)
  2. Town: A team can only consist of players who also share the same Nation (town). (They can be from different guilds)
  3. Guild: A team can only consist of players who are in the same Guild.
  4. Party: A team can only consist of players who're in the same Party. (Mainly limits the joining of a team where only players in a single party can join up to their party's team during registration)

Max Team Types

The maximum amount of teams of a specific type.
This setting is mainly used to force players joining their nation's team in a Town v Town tournament or to limit the amount of teams a single Guild can register.

Min/Max Level

The minimum and minimum level required to participate in the tournament.

Item Registration

There are 3 different types of item registration:
  1. None: No item registration is required, any item can be used throughout the tournament.
  2. Required: Items must be registered, any non-registered items CANNOT be used throughout the tournament.
  3. Unique: Item registration is unique, an item can only be registered (and used) by one participant.

Custom Team Names

Allows you to choose your own team name upon registration.

Full Team Required

When teams can consist of more than 1 member this setting will determined if incomplete teams (teams consisting of less than the maximum amount of members) can participate.
When full teams are forbidden and a team is incomplete, it will not be able to participate in the tournament and the payed fees are lost.

Fight Delay

The delay between consecutive fights. This time can be used to repair and repot for the next fight.

Fight Teleport Time

The amount of time the fighting team members can teleport to their fight.
This time commences as soon as the fight initializes of once the fight delay has passed by.

Adjust Fight Times

Allows team leaders to adjust times of their fights.

Round Delay

The amount of time from the start of a round in which team leaders can adjust their fight times (if allowed).

Round Duration

The amount of time or time period in which teams must choose their fight to take place.
The earliest time choose able (and set by default) is the "round start time" + "round delay" + "fight teleport time".
The latest time choose able is the "earliest time" + "round duration".


The number of victories (wins) required to win your fight and progress to the next round.
The required number of victories can change if your team is matched up into an oversized fight (a fight consisting of more teams than the tournament setting).

Score Difference

The difference in score required between your team and the second team to win your fight.
As with Victories the required difference can change if your team is matches up into an oversized fight.

Announce Fight Winner

The type of announcement that will be made when a team wins their fight.


Allows players to spectate fights.

Map Restrictions

With tournaments the number of map restrictions has been greatly increased allowing for many new combinations to be made.
Each of the map restrictions will be explained in detail.


  1. Physical Attacks: Allows/Forbids the use of physical attacks.
  2. Magical Attacks: Allows/Forbids the use of magical attacks.
  3. PvP: Allows/Forbids any pvp related actions.
  4. PvE: Allows/Forbids any pve related actions.
  5. [New] Anonymous Enemies: Enables/Disables anonymous enemies (showing numbers instead of player names, guild and nation).
  6. [New] Enemy Marking: Enables/Disables a red marking below the feet of enemy players and monsters.
  7. [New] Damage Bonus: A specific damage modifier ranging from 0 to 1200%.
  8. [New] EK/PK Reward: Enables/Disables EK/PK rewards.
  9. [New] Drop on Death: Enables/Disables item (or zem) dropping on death.
  10. [New] Permanent Illusion: Enables/Disables permanent illusion. (all enemy players look like yourself)
  11. [New] Health Regen: Enables/Disables health regeneration.
  12. [New] Mana Regen: Enables/Disables mana regeneration.
  13. [New] Stamina Regen: Enables/Disables stamina regeneration.
  14. [New] Crit Regen: Enables/Disables critical regeneration.
  15. [New] Health Boost: A specific health modifier ranging from 0 to 1200%.
  16. [New] Mana Boost: A specific mana modifier ranging from 0 to 1200%.
  17. [New] Stamina Boost: A specific stamina modifier ranging from 0 to 1200%.
  18. [New] Crit Count Boost: A specific critical regeneration modifier ranging from -99% to 1200%.
  19. [New] Critting: Enables/Disables critting.

Armors & Weapons

  1. Weapons: Allows/Forbids the usage of weapons (this also includes bows and wands).
  2. Bows: Allows/Forbids the usage of bows.
  3. Activations: Allows/Forbids the usage of any activation items (including Resurrection spell).
  4. Armors: Allows/Forbids the usage of any armors.
  5. Shields: Allows/Forbids the usage of shields.
  6. [New] Weapon Change: Allows/Forbids the changing of weapons, only the equiped weapon can be used.
  7. [New] Armor Change: Allows/Forbids the changing of armors, only the equiped armors can be used.
  8. [New] Shield Change: Allows/Forbids the changing of shields, only the equiped shield can be used.
  9. [New] Weapon Re-Equip: Allows/Forbids the re-equiping of weapons. (if it got stripped or unequiped)
  10. [New] Armor Re-Equip: Allows/Forbids the re-equiping of armors. (if they got stripped or unequiped)
  11. [New] Shield Re-Equip: Allows/Forbids the re-equiping of shields. (if it got stripped or unequiped)
  12. [New] Statted Items: Allows/Forbids the usage of any statted items. (Strong, Light, Ancient, Special, HP Rec, MP Rec, etc...)
  13. [New] Upgraded Items: Allows/Forbids the usage of upgraded items. (+1, +2, etc...)
  14. [New] Dark Knight Items: Allows/Forbids the usage of Dark Knight (and Mage) items.
  15. [New] Hero Items: Allows/Forbids the usage of Hero items.
  16. [New] Rare Items: Allows/Forbids the usage of Rare items. (Any item that cannot be bought in the Shop or Blacksmith)
  17. [New] Bound Items: Allows/Forbids the usage of Bound items.
  18. [New] Normal Items: Allows/Forbids the usage of Normal items.
  19. [New] Corrupted Items: Allows/Forbids the usage of Corrupted items.
  20. [New] Limited Items: Allows/Forbids the usage of Limited items.
  21. [New] Fragile Items: Allows/Forbids the usage of Fragile items.
  22. [New] Item Strip Rate: Enables/Disables the stripping of items.
  23. [New] Item Strip Rate Boost: A specific item strip rate modifier ranging from 0% to 120%.

Magic Spells

Enables/Disables the usage of specific spells.


  1. [New] Primary Drop Boost: A specific primary drop rate modifier ranging from 0% to 120%.
  2. [New] Primary Drops: Enables/Disables primary drops.
  3. [New] Secondary Drop Boost: A specific secondary drop rate modifier ranging from 0% to 120%.
  4. [New] Secondary Drops: Enables/Disables secondary drops.
  5. [New] Item Pickup: Enables/Disables picking up of items.
  6. [New] Item Exchange: Enables/Disables exchanging of items.
  7. [New] Item Giving: Enables/Disables giving of items.
  8. [New] Item Dropping: Enables/Disables dropping of items.
  9. [New] Item Buying: Enables/Disables buying of items.
  10. [New] Item Selling: Enables/Disables selling of items.
  11. [New] Item Repairing: Enables/Disables repairing of items.

Item Eating

  1. Eating Food: Allows/Forbids the eating of food. (including meats and fish)
  2. HP Potions: Allows/Forbids the eating of health potions.
  3. MP Potions: Allows/Forbids the eating of mana potions.
  4. SP Potions: Allows/Forbids the eating of stamina potions.
  5. PG/SPG Potions: Allows/Forbids the eating of (super) power green potions.
  6. Summon Potions/Scrolls: Allows/Forbids the eating of summon potions or scrolls.
  7. HP Slates: Allows/Forbids the usage of health slates.
  8. MP Slates: Allows/Forbids the usage of mana slates.
  9. Zerk Slates: Allows/Forbids the usage of berserk slates.


  1. Pretend Corpse: Allows/Forbids the usage of pretend corpse.
  2. Taming: Allows/Forbids the usage of taming.


  1. [New] Global Chat: Enables/Disables global chat. (red chat)
  2. [New] Town Chat: Enables/Disables town chat. (blue chat)
  3. [New] Guild Chat: Enables/Disables guild chat. (green chat)
  4. [New] Party Chat: Enables/Disables party chat. (yellow chat)
  5. [New] Local Chat: Enables/Disables local chat. (white chat)
  6. [New] Whisper Chat: Enables/Disables whisper chat. (gray chat)


  1. Unlimited Crits: Enables/Disables unlimited critical.
  2. Infinite Mana: Enables/Disables infinite mana.
  3. [New] Infinite Health: Enables/Disables infinite health.
  4. [New] Exp Boost: A specific exp modifier ranging from 0% to 1200%.
  5. [New] Exp Reward: Enables/Disables exp reward from killing monsters.
  6. [New] Gold Boost: A specific gold modifier ranging from 0% to 1200%.
  7. [New] Party Creation: Allows/Forbids the creation of party. (Will also disband any existing parties)
  8. [New] Walking: Allows/Forbids walking.
  9. [New] Running: Allows/Forbids running.
  10. [New] Monster HP Boost: A specific monster health modifier ranging from -99% to 1200%.

Other Tournament Concepts

Below a range of other tournament concepts will be explained in detail as they haven't been explained in the previous sections.

Team Leader

A team leader leads a tournament team. He is in charge of the team and will manage everything related to his team.
Team leaders have the responsibility to gather their team, prepare them for fights etc...
With the team leadership there are also a number of options available which are unavailable to any other team members.
They are as following:

Reward Unlocking

Certain rewards can have requirements to unlock them. The following requirements can exist:

Reward Percentages

Certain rewards can have a percentage tied to them, this allows the reward amount to scale along with either the number of teams or the number of players registered in a tournament.
The resulting amount can be limited by an upper or lower limit, this is often called "reward capping" in game terms as it limits the amount to be lower or exceed a certain value.

Oversized Fights

Depending on the tournament settings the number of teams can't always be properly divided into equal groups.
If this happens one (or more) fights can become "oversized". This simply means that more teams (than the default fight size from the settings) will participate and fight each other in that fight.
In order to understand the oversized fights concept in a better way we'll explain it with a small example as following:

In a 1v1 tournament an oversized fight can occur when an uneven number of teams register (e.g. 3, 5, 7, 9, etc...)
If for example 7 teams register, we will see 3 fights happening in the first round.
Fight 1 will be team A vs B, Fight 2 will be team C vs D, but then the last fight, Fight 3, will be an oversized fight as so far we have distributed 4 out of 7 teams, so 3 teams remain to be distributed.
This third fight will be team E vs F vs G, in this example it becomes a "1v1v1" or simply a "tripple fight".

If oversized fights occur in a tournament they will require a higher number of vicotries and a higher score difference as well.
These are determined by the following formula:

To reflect this on the example above, if the tournament setting would be "3 victories" and "2 score difference" then the oversized "tripple fight" would have the following requirements:

When a fight is oversized the dialog will show the required victories and score difference in the fight's details dialog.

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